Tobón, S. (2016). Methodology of curricular management: A socioformative perspective. Lake Mary: KResearch Group. Retrieved from


The purpose of this book is to give you some practical ideas which may help you to implement the curriculum, according to the nowadays social challenges and the future tendencies. It has as a base the management of the learning quality and the formation of people with critical thinking, entrepreneurship and critical behavior. To achieve this, basic conceptual and methodological aspects of competencies are analyzed. Besides, planning, execution and evaluation of curriculum are specified from the institutional direction to its implementation with students through the methodology of formative projects. This can be achieved based on flexibility, transversality, collaboration, participation of the educative community and the continuous improvement of teaching practices.

Formative projects emphasize on learning the established competencies in a determined graduation profile, through the action of projects with the students, on the articulation of knowledge frame and by considering different contexts: personal, familiar, social, cultural, laboral- professional environmental-ecological, recreative-sportive, artistic, disciplinary and research contexts.
A project consists on a set of articulated activities, with the objective of identifying, interpreting, arguing and solving a contextual problem, all based on collaborative work, the service and the application of complex thinking. In this form the traditional subjects, based on content, are proposed to be moved on projects; which contribute to transform reality, besides making the integral formation easier.
This book is based on different experiences of curricular management by competencies, implemented from a flexible, integral and humanistic perspective by researchers in education and management of human talent. Such experiences have been done in most of Latin American countries as well as in some european countries (such as France and Sweden). From those experiences, the traditional approaches of competencies, centered on tasks and the fragmentation of performance are overcome, as it is the case of the functionalist, behavioral and traditional constructivist approaches. On their place, alternative and more suitable approaches for the knowledge society are emerging as it is the case of the socioformative approach. This is centered on the integral development before contextual problems, the development of complex thinking and the entrepreneurspirit.
The construction and application of the socioformative approach in education and in the organizations, have been done since the 90 ́s.
Nowadays, this approach is followed by multiple researchers in several countries and from various points of emphasis. This line of work follows the referents of complex thinking, the fifth discipline, the development of human scale and the learning how to learn and how to undertake. According to this, the socioformative approach emphasizes to form and to strengthen the ethical project of life and the competencies, with the goal of achieving personal self-fulfillment, the construction and reinforcement of social tissue, recreation, the continuous searching of economical entrepreneurial development and the equilibrium on ecological suitability.
In spite of the fact that nowadays there is a great quantity of educative institutions which follow the referents of socioformative approach this is not over yet. This is a line of work in permanent building, in which the theoretical and methodological proposals have been generated, validated in the educative practice and in the management of human talent. However, there are still many questions to be answered. This book is an invitation to continue strengthening the building of the socioformative approach, to have as a base different lines and schools of work, study and research, so that this may give way to a better quality management of learning processes in the educative institutions. In the book, it is not the intention of presenting all the referents of the socioformative approach but to share some basic guidelines concerning to basic processes implied in the curricular management and to ensure the transformation of education within the framework of the challenges of the knowledge society. In a more concrete manner some aspects, as the following ones, are mentioned here:
1. The socioformative concept of competencies by applying the conceptual cartography, which is a strategy of construction of scientific concepts.
2. The study of the context from problems and with a prospective analysis.
3. The elaboration of graduation and entry profile by competencies, based on the study of contextual problems.
4. The design of curricular maps (nets) with integrality, flexibility and systemic approach.
5. The competencies that teachers and principals must possess to make the integral formation real and to make competent students.
6. The synthetic methodology of formative projects to implement the curriculum.
7. The mediation of the teacher, based on the ten minimal actions that socioformation proposes to ensure the educative change.
Much like in other books of the author; in this book, it is insisted to change traditional, educative practices through the educative, action research which must be done by principals and teachers as part of their job. In the action research, non -relevant educative activities are found, according to the challenges of contexts; it is thought about them. There is a practice of theorizing and they are changed through collaboration, systematization and publishing of achievements to motivate teachers towards the pedagogical change. All of this is done through four principal axis: addressing, planning, acting and evaluating. The methodology of curricular management proposed in this book follows these referents.
It is intended that the curriculum management can be given from the frame of a practice with discourse. It means; based on principles and concepts of pedagogy, social sciences and complex thinking. This is essential so that curriculum management can be based on solid argumentations and in a systematic methodology, something that with frequency is absent in this field. This is why you are invited to do new research and applications which lead to a progressive consolidation of new paradigms of competencies, as a key proposal for the improvement of quality of education in Latin America.
The book is directed, firstly, to people comissioned of managing and applying curriculum of diverse educative institutions, such as principals, coordinators, directors of projects of educative innovation, people who work in offices of institutional auto evaluation and teachers. Secondly, it is directed to researchers and agencies of accreditation and evaluation in quality of education, because it offers a model about criteria and basic processes which must be considered in the curriculum management, from the academic quality approach.

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CURRICULAR MANAGEMENT and socioformave approach

2 comentarios en “CURRICULAR MANAGEMENT”

  1. Un gran libro sobre cómo orientar el diseño curricular desde un enfoque más contextualizado a Latinoamérica como es la socioformación. Nos está sirviendo mucho aquí en la Universidad de Chile para orientar el diseño de una carrera intermedia. Gracias por compartir este material.

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