Theoretical frameworks and hidden treasures
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environmental awareness
responsible entrepreneurship
scientific research

How to Cite

Niño-Castillo, J., & Niño-Gutiérrez, N. S. (2023). Theoretical frameworks and hidden treasures: A multidisciplinary journey to promote environmental awareness, sustainable entrepreneurship with social impact. Ecocience International Journal, 5(8), e23580.


The central goal is to analyze hidden treasures in various disciplines, investigating how they converge to promote environmental awareness and innovative solutions, thanks to researchers being prompted to address questions about interdisciplinary convergence and theoretical contributions to sustainable development. The methodology involved scientific research with an emphasis on multidisciplinary analysis. Interactions between nature and health are explored, and sustainable entrepreneurship is highlighted as an agent of global change. Furthermore, the antiviral potential of compounds in fruit and vegetable peels is investigated. The results reveal the importance of interdisciplinary projects in promoting transformative solutions. The crucial role of social and cultural interactions in sustainable enterprises is emphasized. The value of antiviral phenolic compounds in the fight against infectious diseases is demonstrated. Theoretical frameworks drive sustainable, equitable, and conscious development. In conclusion, the interdisciplinary projects and theoretical frameworks are pillars of conscious and resilient development. The research included in the dossier reaffirms the importance of holistic approaches in building a harmonious and empowered future.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jacob Niño-Castillo; Naú Silverio Niño-Gutiérrez


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